I'm bored, and since I did a blog earlier today, I don't really have much else to write about, so I thought I would do a tag, as its fun, quick and easy!! So here goes...
How many times do you wash your face daily?
I try and do it twice, but sometimes I'm very lazy and only do it in the morning!!!
What skin type do you have? (dry,oily,combo)
What is your current facial wash?
Loreal Perfect Skin - Refreshing
Do you exfoliate?
Yes, the face wash comes with a little scrublet, so it gently exfoliates!
What brand do you use?
What moisturizer do you use?
Clinque Dramatically Different Gel
Do you have freckles?
Do you use eye cream?
No, I probably should, but its one of those things I never seem to do!
Do you or did you have acne prone skin?
Thankfully no! I'm very lucky in that in the past 5 months I have found the products that suit my skin best at this time!
Did you ever have to use Pro-activ?
What foundation do you use?
Revlon Beyond Natural Skin matching foundation
How about concealer?
MAC Studio Sculpt in NW20
Do you know your undertone color?
I would say I have yellow undertones, as that what I learnt at college, but I think because I have a NW concealer MAC may beg to differ!!!
What do you think of fake eyelashes?
LOVE LOVE LOVE!! I only wear them on nights out mind, not one of those people who love them so much I wear them everyday!!
Did you know that you are supposed to change your mascara every 3 months?
Yes! I tell my housemates off for not doing this!!! Common sense guys!!!
What brand of mascara do you use?
I LOVE my maybeline Pulse Perfection mascara!!
Sephora or MAC?
Well we don't have Spehora over here (wish we did though!!) So because it's all I know, MAC!
Do you have a MAC Pro-card?
No, I really need to get on and get one, but until I'm earning I wouldn't be able to take full advantage of it!!
What makeup tools do you use in make up application?
Brushes, at college I got a LOT of latex sponges with my kit and I HATE them! Brushes all the way!
Do you use make-up base/primer for the eyes?
Yes, but I have to admit I only started using them last year! I use MAC's Prep & Prime
For the face?
Yes, I have found a brilliant one - Loreal Studio Secret Anti Shine Primer, LOVE IT!
What is your favorite eyeshadow (color or shade)?
I wouldn't say I have a definite favourite, but I love doing brown smokey eyes, so I suppose a good spectrum of browns!
Do you use pencil or liquid eyeliner?
Pencil, As much as I love liquid liner alot of the time I can't be bothered!!!
How often do you poke your eyes with an eyeliner pencil?
Not often, I wouldn't be a very good makeup artist if I did that!!!
What do you think of pigment eyeshadows?
As much as I like them, I don't use them often, I have done a few looks with pigments, but because they are so messy it puts me off!!
Do you use mineral makeup?
Nope, can't stand the stuff, it just doesn't give me the coverage I want!
What is your favorite lipstick?
Barry M 101 in Marshmallow - Ok so its a lip pain but still! I don't tend to wear lipstick because my lips are quite dark!
How about lipgloss?
Ooooh I love my Dazzleglass, in Bare Necessity
What is your favorite blush to use?
I'm liking my No7 Illuminating Powder in Dainty
Do you buy your makeup on ebay?
Nope, I'm always I a bit wary in case its fake etc
Do you like drugstore makeup?
Yes, providing you can find the right products for you, I don't think you necessarily have to spend a fortune on cosmetics!
Do you go to CCO's? (cosmetic company outlets)
Again, something we don't have over here, maybe its for my own good though!!!!
Did you ever consider taking make-up classes?
Yes, well I went to college for a year so I guess been there done that!!!
Are you clumsy in putting on makeup?
Nah, I try and be as precise as possible
Name a makeup crime that you hate?
ooft plenty, Orange Skin/White Neck, Badly placed/coloured blusher or bronzer, heavily lined lips, OTT eye Makeup...etc etc etc
Do you like colorful shades of makeup (lipstick,eyeshadow) or neutral ones?
I like both, but I tend to wear neutrals, I do however like coming up with new looks using colours!
Which celebrity always has great make up?
Victoria Beckham rarely gets it wrong, I like Nicole Richie's as well, its a very natural look!
If you could leave the house using just ONE make up item, what would you use?
Hmm I think probably Mascara...oh wait Lip balm!!
Could you ever leave the house without any makeup on?
erm I could, but I don't like to!!
Do you think you look good even without any makeup on?
I would like to think so, but I do prefer to wear it!
In your opinion, what is the BEST makeup line?
Tough one, probably MAC, maybe Benefit!
What do you think of Makeup??
I love it, not sure if its where I want to go with my career, but its a wonderful hobby!
Thursday, 29 April 2010
New nail polish!

Having seen Lollipop26 rave about Barry M's nail paint in Berry (no. 308) I decided I wanted in as well! Now, I'm normally a pretty boring person when it comes to nail colours, don't get me wrong I love vibrant colours, but I'm just not convinced I can pull off "wacky" colours!!! Anyways I digress, slapped some Berry on my fingernails and my oh my do I like!!!!
It has a very strange application, it goes on a little thin looking, but as it dries it seems to get thicker and the colour intensifies, it does look good though!!!

Ready, Steady, GO!!!!
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
A full day of pampering!!!
Last Wednesday I was lucky enough to accompany my aunt to the Sancutuary Spa in Covent Garden, she had been given 2 vouchers for her birthday last year, and wouldn't have time to use both of them before her birthday this year (when they expired).
Having decided on a date, I then had the chance to chose my 2 treatments! This was a tough choice!! In the end I went for the Sanctuary Brightening Facial, which is supposed to restore the natural luminosity of your complexion and revitalise your skin. As corny as it sounds, I noticed a difference pretty soon after the treatment!!!!!!!! Even a week after my skin still looks great *happy dance!* For my 2nd treatment of the day I knew I wanted a massage, as I have been having alot of problems with the muscles in my neck recently! Having thought for a while and read all the options I went for the Soothing La Sultane Full Body Massage, which according to the website: This extremely nourishing, hydrating and stress-relieving massage uses shea butter and a choice of essential oils to suit your mood. A blissful body massage leaves you in a deep stage of relaxation. I was told it would me so relaxed it was the equivalent of having 2 hours sleep! AHHHH!!!! I was excited!!
I met my aunt at 9:30 for opening time of the spa, you go through the store to a staircase at the back (a bit weird) but at the top of the staircase is the reception area, which looks amazing!!! You get met with a glass (ok a plastic cup) of either Orange juice, Apple juice or water, and then they check you in for the day. The receptionist was very helpful, they give you your own little timetable, map, medical forms etc, they then show you where the changing rooms are. In your locker is a robe, towel and a bag to tote your reading material in or whatever you want to take in with you (no mobiles/mp3s or cameras are allowed).
Once changed we went down to the 'Koi Carp Lounge', filled in all our medical forms etc, we then started our spa experience, lunch wasn't until 12:15 and our facials were at 1:30, so we had PLENTY of time to explore, making full use of the steam rooms, swimming pools and jacuzzi!! We then spent about an hour relaxing and reading before lunch!!
Lunch in itself was amazing!! I had a lamb steak which was unreal! I loved it! Then a chocolate tart with pistachio ice cream for desert!! It was then time for our facials! After our 50 minute facial we were booked into the 'Sleep Retreat', this is a room where they have low frequency VIBRATING beds!! To me this is the strangest concept ever!!The experience lasts 25 mins and they also play some woman telling you meditation techniques, although I didn't fall asleep in there, it certainly was relaxing!!!!
We then had about an hour to waste until our massages at 4:30, so we did more swimming and steam rooming!! We then went our separate ways for our 50 min massages! I was SO relaxed in mine I nearly fell asleep! I do find however whenever I have a full body massage I can never relax when I'm lying on my back!!!!!
After our massages we had an hour or so until closing, so we read and relaxed more, before showering, collecting our free gift and making our way home! I'm so pleased my aunt took me with her, and it was certainly a great day! If anyone would like to give me a voucher for my 21st, I certainly wouldn't complain!!!!!!!!
Having decided on a date, I then had the chance to chose my 2 treatments! This was a tough choice!! In the end I went for the Sanctuary Brightening Facial, which is supposed to restore the natural luminosity of your complexion and revitalise your skin. As corny as it sounds, I noticed a difference pretty soon after the treatment!!!!!!!! Even a week after my skin still looks great *happy dance!* For my 2nd treatment of the day I knew I wanted a massage, as I have been having alot of problems with the muscles in my neck recently! Having thought for a while and read all the options I went for the Soothing La Sultane Full Body Massage, which according to the website: This extremely nourishing, hydrating and stress-relieving massage uses shea butter and a choice of essential oils to suit your mood. A blissful body massage leaves you in a deep stage of relaxation. I was told it would me so relaxed it was the equivalent of having 2 hours sleep! AHHHH!!!! I was excited!!
I met my aunt at 9:30 for opening time of the spa, you go through the store to a staircase at the back (a bit weird) but at the top of the staircase is the reception area, which looks amazing!!! You get met with a glass (ok a plastic cup) of either Orange juice, Apple juice or water, and then they check you in for the day. The receptionist was very helpful, they give you your own little timetable, map, medical forms etc, they then show you where the changing rooms are. In your locker is a robe, towel and a bag to tote your reading material in or whatever you want to take in with you (no mobiles/mp3s or cameras are allowed).
Once changed we went down to the 'Koi Carp Lounge', filled in all our medical forms etc, we then started our spa experience, lunch wasn't until 12:15 and our facials were at 1:30, so we had PLENTY of time to explore, making full use of the steam rooms, swimming pools and jacuzzi!! We then spent about an hour relaxing and reading before lunch!!
Lunch in itself was amazing!! I had a lamb steak which was unreal! I loved it! Then a chocolate tart with pistachio ice cream for desert!! It was then time for our facials! After our 50 minute facial we were booked into the 'Sleep Retreat', this is a room where they have low frequency VIBRATING beds!! To me this is the strangest concept ever!!The experience lasts 25 mins and they also play some woman telling you meditation techniques, although I didn't fall asleep in there, it certainly was relaxing!!!!
We then had about an hour to waste until our massages at 4:30, so we did more swimming and steam rooming!! We then went our separate ways for our 50 min massages! I was SO relaxed in mine I nearly fell asleep! I do find however whenever I have a full body massage I can never relax when I'm lying on my back!!!!!
After our massages we had an hour or so until closing, so we read and relaxed more, before showering, collecting our free gift and making our way home! I'm so pleased my aunt took me with her, and it was certainly a great day! If anyone would like to give me a voucher for my 21st, I certainly wouldn't complain!!!!!!!!
Sanctuary Spa
Whoops...looks like I fell back into the old habit of not posting anything! Sorry!
So (I seem to start most paragraphs with this word...!) I went to the dutch part that was in Trafalgar Square, and I had an AMAZING time!!! I ended up going alone, which was fine as it meant I didn't have to explain things to people e.g why it was happening, why everyone was wearing orange, what that food was etc etc!!! Anyways going to the party defiantly reignited my love for all things dutch!!! Having lived there for 2 and a half years I knew what the celebration was about and had a good benchmark to compare it to!
Once the band I had been waiting for came on stage, I left, this may seem odd, but since I have last listened to them perform, they have got a new lead singer, and in my opinion he was butchering all the old songs that I loved, so in protest I left, listening to the old lead singer on my iPod!!!!!
The REAL koninginnedag is April 30th, so come Friday, I will be there with my orange t-shirt and my dutch music...perhaps even a few cans of Heineken!!!

I took the bus there, as it leaves from outside my house and goes all the way there, on the journey I listened to all the dutch music I had on my iPod! As we pulled up to Trafalgar Square all I could see was a sea of orange, and I could hear the music playing, I couldn't help but smile, and I got butterflies in my tummy!!! I quickly got across the road (trying to not have to wait for the traffic lights and avoid being hit by anything was interesting!!!) and got through bag check, easy, walked round all the stalls and then decided where to start properly looking for exciting things! First up I bought myself a t-shirt (orange of course) a must for any koninginnedag, in fact a must for any dutch celebration!!! I then got myself a pint of Amstel - dutch beer of course!! Found myself a spot in the sun and drunk my beer and enjoyed the dutch bands they had playing! I later went wandering again and found myself some Stroopwafels! These were my main aim to buy! I LOVE them!!! in fact my family are very jealous I have some, and they don't!!! I could save them until my next visit home, but that's a month away from now, and it just wouldn't be the same!!!!!! Anyway I got myself 2 packs of 10 Stroopwafels! I bought myself the treat of dutch chips with mayo! AMAZING!!!!

Overall I had an AMAZING day, it confirmed to me how much I miss my life in Holland, yes at the time I was 13, so life was easier, but even so, I would love to live there again one day!!! I was also so happy that the sun was out and it was beautifully warm! Just as it should be for any koninginnedag!!!
The REAL koninginnedag is April 30th, so come Friday, I will be there with my orange t-shirt and my dutch music...perhaps even a few cans of Heineken!!!
Friday, 16 April 2010
Friday Night with Jonathan Ross...
I went to the recording of 'Friday Night with Jonathan Ross' last night, and although I'm not a fan of Jonathan Ross, I really enjoyed myself! A friend of mine from back home had a spare ticket, so I went with her and her Mum, I basically went as a good excuse to see them and have a catch up!!!!!!! But nevertheless I enjoyed myself!!!
Filming finished at 9pm, and by the time I got home it was about 10:15, so I chucked some food in the oven and had myself a very late dinner!!!
Today I'm supposed to be going shopping in order to buy a bikini for the spa day on Wednesday, but I can't seem to motivate myself to move and go shopping, something I normally LOVE doing!!
Tomorrow is the dutch party!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!! On my way back from the BBC yesterday I kept seeing posters for tomorrows event, and I couldn't stop smiling! I CANNOT WAIT!!!! I have already charged my camera up to take lots of pictures tomorrow, but still have nothing orange to wear, which although not essential, is a big part of the day!!
I will probably make a stupidly long blog tomorrow about it, and, hopefully I will be able to add some decent photos!!!!!!
Ciao!!! XxXxX
Filming finished at 9pm, and by the time I got home it was about 10:15, so I chucked some food in the oven and had myself a very late dinner!!!
Today I'm supposed to be going shopping in order to buy a bikini for the spa day on Wednesday, but I can't seem to motivate myself to move and go shopping, something I normally LOVE doing!!
Tomorrow is the dutch party!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!! On my way back from the BBC yesterday I kept seeing posters for tomorrows event, and I couldn't stop smiling! I CANNOT WAIT!!!! I have already charged my camera up to take lots of pictures tomorrow, but still have nothing orange to wear, which although not essential, is a big part of the day!!
I will probably make a stupidly long blog tomorrow about it, and, hopefully I will be able to add some decent photos!!!!!!
Ciao!!! XxXxX
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Two in a row!!
It's amazing isn't it?! I don't blog for ages and then cook up to blogs in as many days!!!!
Today was a good day, scary in places, but on the whole good! Last night I decided to henna my hair, chocolate brown, I mixed it up, had my housemate apply it, and an hour later I had had enough!!! We only finished applying it at 11:20pm and I was EXHAUSTED by 12:30!! I managed to last until 1am before rinsing it out. Even though I didn't leave it in for that long, I'm happy with the results!! Going to henna again next week for several hours! Think the trick might be to a) either do it on a night when there is alot to watch on TV or b) stick a movie on! I know you can leave it on overnight, but when washing it out last night, after just an hour, it was rock solid and quite heavy!!!!
Anyway, I'm happy with the colour and will defiantly be doing it again soon!!!
Had a driving lesson today, was a scary one! I started doing hill starts, up and down, ahhh how I panicked!!!! I WILL GET THERE IN THE END THOUGH!!!!!!!
I'm super excited about the next week, my Aunt has booked us in for a spa day next Wednesday, I have picked my treatments and I'm super excited! Keep looking at the pictures of the place and getting all hyper!!!! On Saturday there is a party in Traflagar Square in honour of the Dutch day which celebrates the Queen's birthday, in The Netherlands it's called "Koninginnedag". I'm ready to get some good (goed, in Dutch!) food and wear some orange again!! (I have already painted my toenails orange!!!!!!!!) Then on Sunday I'm off to see my Grandparents for the day, I make the trip once a month, and I love doing it! Even more so now they are my only Grandparents (insert sad face!).
Don't have alot planned for tomorrow, just off to buy myself a bikini, which I'm dreading! I hate my body as it is, but with only a week before I have to fling on a bikini for the first time this year, got to watch what I eat etc, and get some serious toning in (or attempt to!!!)
Well for now I have rambled enough!!! 'til tomorrow...or the next time...doei!! (dutch for bye!!!) XxXxX
Today was a good day, scary in places, but on the whole good! Last night I decided to henna my hair, chocolate brown, I mixed it up, had my housemate apply it, and an hour later I had had enough!!! We only finished applying it at 11:20pm and I was EXHAUSTED by 12:30!! I managed to last until 1am before rinsing it out. Even though I didn't leave it in for that long, I'm happy with the results!! Going to henna again next week for several hours! Think the trick might be to a) either do it on a night when there is alot to watch on TV or b) stick a movie on! I know you can leave it on overnight, but when washing it out last night, after just an hour, it was rock solid and quite heavy!!!!
Anyway, I'm happy with the colour and will defiantly be doing it again soon!!!
Had a driving lesson today, was a scary one! I started doing hill starts, up and down, ahhh how I panicked!!!! I WILL GET THERE IN THE END THOUGH!!!!!!!
I'm super excited about the next week, my Aunt has booked us in for a spa day next Wednesday, I have picked my treatments and I'm super excited! Keep looking at the pictures of the place and getting all hyper!!!! On Saturday there is a party in Traflagar Square in honour of the Dutch day which celebrates the Queen's birthday, in The Netherlands it's called "Koninginnedag". I'm ready to get some good (goed, in Dutch!) food and wear some orange again!! (I have already painted my toenails orange!!!!!!!!) Then on Sunday I'm off to see my Grandparents for the day, I make the trip once a month, and I love doing it! Even more so now they are my only Grandparents (insert sad face!).
Don't have alot planned for tomorrow, just off to buy myself a bikini, which I'm dreading! I hate my body as it is, but with only a week before I have to fling on a bikini for the first time this year, got to watch what I eat etc, and get some serious toning in (or attempt to!!!)
Well for now I have rambled enough!!! 'til tomorrow...or the next time...doei!! (dutch for bye!!!) XxXxX
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Long time no blog!
It's been a LONG time since I last blogged, having looked it posted my last blog back in August! FAR too long ago! alot has changed in the time I have been away from blogging!
I made my last YouTube video in December, although at the time I didn't intend for it to be my last video, so much has changed in my personal life I don't feel I have the motivation to make them at the moment.
So what happened? February 3rd rolled around and it was the 1st year anniversary of my Grandma's death, it was a tough day as I wasn't able to be with my family. I did however speak to them on the phone, including my Grandpa. Which now i'm so thankful I did, as he died 9 days later having been in hospital for a week. This hit my family hard, particually my Mum, who has now lost both her parents in just over a year.
As a result I have been traveling between London and home every few weeks, to help out and also because I'm finding being away from home tough at this time. With all of this in mind, I can't find any real reason to continue with my youtube videos at the moment!
I do however, plan to write more blogs, i'm yet to decide if I want to keep it strictly makeup, branch out into a bit more fashion or just randomly blog. I may just go with the flow and blog about whatever takes my fancy!
Until next time, stay safe and healthy!
I made my last YouTube video in December, although at the time I didn't intend for it to be my last video, so much has changed in my personal life I don't feel I have the motivation to make them at the moment.
So what happened? February 3rd rolled around and it was the 1st year anniversary of my Grandma's death, it was a tough day as I wasn't able to be with my family. I did however speak to them on the phone, including my Grandpa. Which now i'm so thankful I did, as he died 9 days later having been in hospital for a week. This hit my family hard, particually my Mum, who has now lost both her parents in just over a year.
As a result I have been traveling between London and home every few weeks, to help out and also because I'm finding being away from home tough at this time. With all of this in mind, I can't find any real reason to continue with my youtube videos at the moment!
I do however, plan to write more blogs, i'm yet to decide if I want to keep it strictly makeup, branch out into a bit more fashion or just randomly blog. I may just go with the flow and blog about whatever takes my fancy!
Until next time, stay safe and healthy!
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