Wednesday, 28 April 2010


Whoops...looks like I fell back into the old habit of not posting anything! Sorry!

So (I seem to start most paragraphs with this word...!) I went to the dutch part that was in Trafalgar Square, and I had an AMAZING time!!! I ended up going alone, which was fine as it meant I didn't have to explain things to people e.g why it was happening, why everyone was wearing orange, what that food was etc etc!!! Anyways going to the party defiantly reignited my love for all things dutch!!! Having lived there for 2 and a half years I knew what the celebration was about and had a good benchmark to compare it to!

I took the bus there, as it leaves from outside my house and goes all the way there, on the journey I listened to all the dutch music I had on my iPod! As we pulled up to Trafalgar Square all I could see was a sea of orange, and I could hear the music playing, I couldn't help but smile, and I got butterflies in my tummy!!! I quickly got across the road (trying to not have to wait for the traffic lights and avoid being hit by anything was interesting!!!) and got through bag check, easy, walked round all the stalls and then decided where to start properly looking for exciting things! First up I bought myself a t-shirt (orange of course) a must for any koninginnedag, in fact a must for any dutch celebration!!! I then got myself a pint of Amstel - dutch beer of course!! Found myself a spot in the sun and drunk my beer and enjoyed the dutch bands they had playing! I later went wandering again and found myself some Stroopwafels! These were my main aim to buy! I LOVE them!!! in fact my family are very jealous I have some, and they don't!!! I could save them until my next visit home, but that's a month away from now, and it just wouldn't be the same!!!!!! Anyway I got myself 2 packs of 10 Stroopwafels! I bought myself the treat of dutch chips with mayo! AMAZING!!!!

Once the band I had been waiting for came on stage, I left, this may seem odd, but since I have last listened to them perform, they have got a new lead singer, and in my opinion he was butchering all the old songs that I loved, so in protest I left, listening to the old lead singer on my iPod!!!!!

Overall I had an AMAZING day, it confirmed to me how much I miss my life in Holland, yes at the time I was 13, so life was easier, but even so, I would love to live there again one day!!! I was also so happy that the sun was out and it was beautifully warm! Just as it should be for any koninginnedag!!!

The REAL koninginnedag is April 30th, so come Friday, I will be there with my orange t-shirt and my dutch music...perhaps even a few cans of Heineken!!!

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