Friday 31 May 2013

Mini Superdrug haul.

Today I popped into my local Superdrug in the hopes of finding the new MUA Blushes. Normally it takes a while for new products to hit our tiny town, it's a little behind the times to say the least! Nevertheless, they actually had them in stock, score!

Due to the fact the 3 for 2 deal is still on for all make-up, I decided to pick up the 3 blushes which will most suit my pale skin. I ended up getting Cupcake, Lolly and Candyfloss. Most of the blushes are matte, which is perfect as if I'm going for the shimmery look, I'd rather add it myself.

Cupcake is described as good for pale skin (ideal for me) and is a dusty muted natural pink.

Lolly is a light coral orange/peach colour and suits more sun kissed skin tones (lets hope the sun makes an appearance!)

Finally Candyfloss, this is the most vibrant one I bought, it's a light pink rose colour, has a very fine shimmer layer and is designed for pale/medium skin.

Now for the best part, the pictures!

From L-R Cupcake, Lolly and Candyfloss

From Top - Bottom Cupcake, Lolly and Candyfloss

From L-R Cupcake, Lolly and Candyfloss
 As I've yet to wear these, there's no point in fully reviewing them, but from having swatched them, I can already tell they're very soft and easy to blend, they feel nice, and the colour translates beautifully from palette to skin.

I also bought myself a new pair of eyelash curlers, I thought these ones from Revlon, albeit tacky, were also so cute (I love purple!).  As I already have a pair of Revlon lash curlers, I know these are trust worthy and work well from my lashes. I think I'm going to deep clean my other pair and put them in my professional kit!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday 30 May 2013

40 Beauty Questions


How many times do you wash your face daily?

Twice, sometimes if I'm lazy at night, it'll just be a face wipe situation!

What skin type do you have? (dry,oily,combo) 
Dry to combination

What is your current facial wash?

E45 (the glamour!)

Do you exfoliate? 
Yes, not too often, but my Clarisonic is perfect for getting the dead skin off!

What brand do you use?

My Clarisonic teamed with Soap & Glory 'Scrub them and leave them' (I think that's it's name!)

What moisturizer do you use?

Just started using  the Garnier Moisture Match hydrating cream, I'd previously been using the Wake me Up one.

Do you have freckles?

Do you use eye cream? 
I do, at the moment I'm using a sample of a Dior one.

Do you or did you have acne prone skin?
No, I've always been fairly fortunate with my skin

Did you ever have to use Pro-activ? 


What foundation do you use? 
At the moment I use Garnier BB Cream for combination skin. But normally Maybelline Fit Me in 110 or 115 (Pale girl!)

How about concealer? 
Maybelline Fit me in Colour 15

Do you know your undertone color?
I have yellow undertones

What do you think of fake eyelashes?
I love them! Only they're a bit too much of a hassle for everyday use.

Did you know that you are supposed to change your mascara every 3 months?
Yes! It's something I stick to religiously.

What brand of mascara do you use?

Currently i'm using, and loving Maybelline the Rocket mascara. 

Sephora or MAC?
Well, as this country is stupid and doesn't have a Sephora, I'd have to say MAC

Do you have a MAC Pro-card? 
No...I need to get one, but I keep forgetting!

What makeup tools do you use in make up application? 
Brushes and my hands.

Do you use make-up base/primer for the eyes?
Yes, I'm currently trying out MUA's Eyeshadow Primer, so far so good!

For the face? 
Yes, I'm a big fan of Benefits Porefessional, but I'm using either MUA's mattifying primer, or Garnier 5 Sec Perfect Blur at the moment, depending on which one I find first!

What is your favorite eyeshadow (color or shade)?

At the moment Virgin from the original Naked Pallete

Do you use pencil or liquid eyeliner? 
Both, liquid on my lash line, and an eye khol on my waterlines.

How often do you poke your eyes with an eyeliner pencil?
Rarely, if I do, it tends to be if I'm tired, or not paying attention!

What do you think of pigment eyeshadows? 
I like to use them, but I hate how much of a hassle they are to apply!

Do you use mineral makeup?
Nope, I've yet to find a product that impresses me. 

What is your favorite lipstick?

So many! But the one that's in my handbag at the moment is MAC's Hue

How about lipgloss?
NARS Turkish Delight

What is your favorite blush to use? 
MAC Dainty.

Do you buy your makeup on ebay? 
Nope, I've heard so many horror stories about fakes, I'd rather not risk it!

Do you like drugstore makeup? 
On the whole yes. I buy 90% of my makeup there.

Do you go to CCO's? (cosmetic company outlets)
Our closest one is a pain to get to, and when I went before, I wasn't too impressed! 

Did you ever consider taking make-up classes? 
I did a year at college studying to become a Makeup Artist. Although there are some other classes I'd consider taking. 

Are you clumsy in putting on makeup?

Nope, I'm a real perfectionist

Name a makeup crime that you hate? 
There's a lot, one pet peeve is poorly matched foundation. there's no excuse these days with all the options there are.

Do you like colorful shades of makeup (lipstick,eyeshadow) or neutral ones?
I prefer more neutral colours.

Which celebrity always has great make up?
Khloe Kardashian, she always looks flawless!

If you could leave the house using just ONE make up item, what would you use? 
Mascara! Feel naked without it on.

Could you ever leave the house without any makeup on?
I could, I choose not to as I feel more comfortable with it on.

Do you think you look good even without any makeup on? 
Yes, but who doesn't love to look their very best!

In your opinion, what is the BEST makeup line?
Would have to say MAC or Benefit, in terms of drugstores, I'd have to say MUA they are really making some great products!

What do you think of Makeup??
I think it's the best way to express yourself, and let you explore your creative side.

Thursday 23 May 2013

A quick update, and some favourites.

I haven't posted in a little while, no excuses as to why I didn't post anything.  I basically just took a little break from my computer!

So now, I'm back, these past few days/weeks, I've been trying a couple of new products, and rekindling my love for some old ones. Recently (and randomly) I have developed eczema on my face, as far as I know, I didn't suffer with eczema as a child, so its weird its struck at the age of 23! Anyway, this has led me to change my face products, I've ditched all Clarisonic use on my chin (where it is) and turned to the trusty old E45.

Here goes with some favourites from the past couple of weeks.

E45 Face Wash - This is super thick compared to my previous face wash (Loreal Perfect Clean for Dry skin) but gets rid of my make-up quickly and easily. I use this twice each time I wash my face (once to remove the make-up, then once more in order to clean my face.) A little also goes a long way.

E45 Shower Wash - In addition to my face seemingly rebelling, my skin has become really dry and itchy recently, I don't know if this is also some form of eczema, but even so, I've switched out my shower gel to this one rather than my beloved Soap and Glory one. This doesn't lather, so gone is my shower scrubbie, and I'm now applying it with a sponge.

Maybelline the Rocket Mascara - OH.MY.GOD! For the past year I've been religious to Benefit's 'They're Real', well no more, this mascara is amazing. I'm so picky with my mascaras, I'm lucky enough to have long lashes, but I still love length and volume, and let me tell you, this delivers on both accounts.  As always it works better once its dried out a little bit (I found within 2 to 3 days of opening was enough), and now it gives stunning application!

Kool 'n' Soothe - These migraine relief strips are something I always keep on hand. Recently my migraines began starting up again after a few months without them. I usually put one on my forehead for a few hours, sit in the dark, and then I feel much better.

Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke - Am I one of the few people who remember his song 'When I Get You Alone' from when it was out, and not just from 'Glee' covering it?! Well, having provided my song for the summer back in 2003, 10 years later and he's doing it again. I only heard this song for the first time on Tuesday (its now Thursday) and I've listened to it, I don't know how many times! It's a little different from my normal music choices of Green Day, Muse, Kings of Leon etc. But this is a real summer song! Love it!

Moa: The Green Balm - This is a product I received in a GlossyBox way back, and just never used. then I found it and did some snooping on their website. Holy Hannah this product does a lot! I now apply it to my chin and dry skin every night before bed!

Sunday 5 May 2013

Draw my life...

 I was born on July 5th 1989, in Bath.
 On August 24th 1992, my little sister Emma arrived. I don't really remember much about this time, my earliest memory of us together was me building her a tower out of blocks, her knocking it over and biting me! Ouch!
Our childhood was great. One thing I'll always remember was that we used to ride our bikes up and down our street a lot, using the drain covers as traffic lights. In the school holidays, we used to ride our bikes out in the garden as soon as our Dad left for work. Primary school was fairly normal, at the age of 11 I went to the local secondary school.
On April 15th 2003 we moved to The Netherlands, we moved to a small town outside Den Haag called 'Wassenaar'. Although I was nervous, I was so excited, I'd become a person I didn't recognise, and I didn't like who I was.
One of my favourite memories of living in The Netherlands was school, for a girl who'd hated school, I loved this one, I don't know if it was the group of friends I'd made, or the teachers, either way, it opened up new opportunities for me, including trips abroad. At the school in the UK, you were lucky if you got a trip to another county let alone another country!
In August 2005, we moved to Hamburg, Germany. This was a move I really didn't want to make, I'd already figured out what A-Levels I wanted to do, and loved my group of friends. Even looking back, I think living there was when I was at my happiest.
Upon moving to Hamburg, I felt so sad, it wasn't sad like I felt when we left the UK, this was a different sad, this was almost like a physical ache. The sadder I felt, the more I withdrew from things, I shied away from making friends, and buried myself in listening to my ipod. I also started wearing a lot of eyeliner, black clothes, and found myself in a very dark place. All I knew was that I didn't want to be there or anywhere else anymore. 
June 1st 2007 was graduation day, I'd spent the past year of school making friends and finally finding myself fitting in, but I was still so glad to be leaving that school. After prom, we went to Bodrum, Turkey, for our senior trip. These were 2 weeks filled with booze and partying, it was the first time I'd pushed myself out of my comfort zone for nearly 2 years!
On September 10th 2007, I left home, and moved to Dun Laoghaire, just outside of Dublin. I remember going through security at the airport, and seeing my Mum disappear into the crowd of people and just bursting into tears. I cried the whole flight, I was scared and because of the way I felt having moved to Germany, was worried how I would cope on my own in a different country.
I had enrolled in college, and had started my course, I made a couple of friends, but when I got back to my flat I felt so alone.  I lived with a family and rented a bedroom from them, it was a small flat, and it was difficult to get much privacy, even with having my own room. All I longed for was my next trip home. Any time there was holiday, or a long weekend, I'd fly back to be with my family, I started to see Hamburg as home, even though I no longer lived there.
My course finished on May 16th, and on May 17th I left Dublin, I was so excited for the first time in 4 years. My family had left Hamburg and moved to Vevey, a small town in Switzerland. I was excited to see my family again, live back at home for a while, and just get myself back to who I wanted to be.
I spent 6 months living in Switzerland with the family, I then moved to London, I moved in with my best friend from Hamburg, and 4 of her friends from uni. This filled me with anxiety, the night before I left Switzerland, I had major doubts if I could put myself through the whole living away from home thing again.
The day I arrived at the new house, it was raining, our house was up (what felt like) a fairly huge hill. Having lugged a huge suitcase, a laptop, a makeup train case, and myself up the hill, I looked a crazy mess. I'm talking mascara down the face, and sweaty (nice!) I don't think it mattered though, as a group we had a great year living together.
My friend and I then moved to another house, with one of the girls we lived with in the first house, and a girl from her uni course. This was the first time in my life I'd lived in a house with just girls, it was a great time, hair henna nights are a particular highlight! We spent a year living together, and it was a year of exploring cocktail bars, and enjoying nights out together.
In August 2010, my family moved back to our original house in the UK, I moved home in September, I started a job at a local hotel, where my sister also worked at the time, this made things difficult for us, living and working together made us argue and fight a lot. She soon left for a new job. In the meantime I'd become good friends with one of the chefs. Nearly 3 years later, she and I are the greatest of friends, I'm godmother to her beautiful daughter, my sister and I are so close, and always find ourselves on adventures to various places.
I'm a strong believer of everything happens for a reason, through feeling so low, lost and lonely through the latter 4 years of my teens, I can safely say I'm in a much happier place now and given the chance, I'd love to live abroad again. I don't know what my future holds, but I'd like to think I can remain happy.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

A day in the life...

On Monday, my sister, Emma, and I drove to Gloucester to see our friend and my goddaughter. Once we arrived there we decided that because of the beautiful weather we've been having, that we should go out for the day.  We decided on Cotswold Farm Park, it took about 45 minutes from Gloucester, but was well worth the drive, here's an insight into our day.  There are some gaps, i.e Lunch/Dinner but we were so exhausted + a flat battery, not a happy blog mix! Here goes...

6:40am - Time to get up!
6:50am - Makeup time

7:20am - Breakfast time, a glass of OJ and bowl of 'Lucky Charms'
7:45am - Get dressed, Black Maxi dress, cream/beige cardigan and long Topshop necklace

8am - Leaving the house, Emma's driving.

11am - 5pm - Fun with the animals at the farm.

9pm - Take off makeup, watch TV and read for a bit
10pm - Time for bed. Lights out.
I'd love to do another 'Day in the life', I'll have to make sure its on a day when everything isn't so chaotic! Needing to take pictures/spending time with a friend/playing with my 1 Year old goddaughter is a hectic mix!