Wednesday, 17 April 2013

This or That - Beauty Edition

Here's a quick and easy tag, the this or that of beauty, feel free to leave your answers in the comments. Enjoy!


Blush or Bronzer: Blush
Lip Gloss or Lipstick: Lipstick
Eye liner or Mascara: Mascara
Foundation or Concealer: Foundation
Neutral or Colour eye shadow: Neutral
Pressed or Loose eye shadows: Pressed
Brushes or Sponges: Brushes


OPI or China Glaze: OPI
Long or Short: Short
Acrylic or Natural: Natural
Brights or Darks: Darks
Flower or No Flower: No Flower


Perfume or Body Splash: Perfume
Lotion or Body Butter: Body Butter
Body Wash or Soap: Body Wash
Lush or Other Bath company: Lush


Jeans or Sweat pants: Jeans
Long sleeve or short: Long
Dresses or Skirts: Dresses
Stripes or Plaid: Plaid
Flip flops or Sandals: Flip Flops
Scarves or Hats: Scarves
Studs or Dangly earrings: Studs
Necklaces or Bracelets: Bracelets
Heels or Flats: Flats
Cowboy boots or Riding boots: Riding Boots
Jacket or Hoodie: Jacket
Forever 21 or Charlotte Russe: Forever 21
Abercombie or Hollister: Hollister (don't like either but their stuff seems nicer...)
Saks 5th or Nordstrom: We don't have either in  the UK...


Curly or Straight: Straight (just easier!)
Bun or Ponytail: Bun (Scruffy topknot)
Bobby pins or Butterfly clips: Bobby Pins
Hairspray or Gel: Hairspray
Long or Short: Long
Light or Dark: Dark
Side sweep bangs or Full bangs: Full Bangs
Up or Down: Up


Rain or Shine: Shine
Summer or Winter: Summer
Fall or Spring: Fall
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Eastcoast or Westcoast: As I've only ever been to the Eastcoast, I'd have to say East!

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