Friday, 19 April 2013

Bath Fashion Week

Last night, I was fortunate to go to one of the fashion shows for Bath Fashion Week.  It took place in the assmebly rooms and lasted about 45 minutes.  It was showcasing some of the highstreet looks for Spring/Summer 2013.  Main designers included Reiss, Phase Eight, Jigsaw and Candy Kitten - Jamie Laing (Made in Chelsea's) store. Whilst I'm not a 'Made in Chelsea' fan, some of items from his line were really nice.

Main trends that ran throughout the show, were the Spring/Summer staples, Nautical, Pastels, and ofcourse the ever favourite floral.  Also show was a large selection of accessorises, including Specsavers glasses (which gave me a chance to scout out a possible new pair of glasses for myself) and even Radley wellies, which at £40 a pop are perhaps a little too much when mine tend to get covered in cattle...mess!

An added bonus at the end of the night, was the goodie bag.  One touch I particually liked, was from the jewlery company 'Wylde', being a brand that specialise in highend jewlwery, they obviously werent going to give away products for free, however, we each recieved a white flower each, which I thought was a nice added touch to the evening. 

Having left my goodie bag untouched until this morning, I can now report that the contents, although some of it a little odd, has been very well reciveved! A particualr favourite being the navy blue Armani clutch bag, which coinsides with the sample of Armani Code perfume inside.  The bag was also jam packed with perfume samples, and some Clarins products.  A lot of the other items inside were vouchers, and various leaflets promoting local business' and sponsers.

Overall it was a wonderful evening, Bath Fashion Week runs until April 21st, so if youre local, i throughly suggest getting into Bath and having a look around.  Everyone at the Asembly rooms put on a great show. Well done!

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