As I haven't blogged since the end of July, I thought it only fitting that I write an update about all the changes that have happened in my life since then!
I was living in London, but since September 2010 I have been living back at home, which although is great, at the age of 21 I'm hoping is only a temporary measure!!! So between my last blog and me moving back I spent time exploring parts of London I still wanted to see, moving, and spending time with my housemates! Our last few nights in our little "palace" were very emotional, our last trip to our favourite pub/club/park it all seemed so final! When I left the house for the last time, I was fighting back tears and as I sat on the bus on the way to the tube station, my road was in its normal state of chaos, and I thought "this is what I will miss".
The 2 years I spent in London were not only some the best times of my life, but also some of the worst, but I feel living there made me grow up so much, and totally made up for a really RUBBISH 9 months I spent in Dublin!!
Since moving home, I've started working at our local country house hotel, as a breakfast waitress, its definitely not something I want to be doing for the rest of my life, but its a job, and gets me out of the house and some cash!! Although the 5am starts are something I could live without!!
I've also finished my driving lessons, passed my test and done my pass plus! As much as I loved learning to drive, I'm glad I'm done with it all now! I don't have a car yet, but for the past week I have been insured to drive my sisters car, and I'm loving having some independence back, and being able to not rely on other people to take me places!!
Now that I'm living back in the town I grew up in, I'm realising how much I loved living in the city. As much as i love the country life, I enjoy helping out moving/feeding/treating the cattle on our friends farm, I miss all the shops, our town is absolutely terrible for shopping, with most of our shops consisting of, phone shops/charity shops or coffee shops! I tend to have to wait ages between shopping trips, or order online and pay the extra for delivery! Roll on when I get a car!!!!
My housemates and I have arranged our next night out in London, we book into a travelodge, and then go clubbing in the evening and shopping the next day, its so much fun, we did our first 'reunion' in December, and its currently 18 days until our next, one of my ex housemates has moved to New Zealand, so although she was there for the december one, she wont be for this one! *sad face* Here is a picture of
the four of us from Decembers night out!