Thursday, 10 March 2011

It's here, it's here, it's finally here!

That's right, my weekend has officially started! No more work for 3 days, it could be more, I don't have next weeks rota yet!  So how did I kick my weekend off?

Well, I started by coating my hair in lots of Marylin hair mask from Lush (love that stuff!), I then made my Dad's birthday cake, with a helping hand from my sous chef (Mum!) Dad's birthday is tomorrow, I'm looking forward to it, not only because we get to make a fuss of him, but also because we are off to Guildford to spend the day with his parents (my grandparents).  I made him an Orange and White chocolate sponge, I will try to take a picture of it tomorrow, if I remember!

Once the cake was made, and Dad and I had cooked dinner for us all, I treated myself to a lovely long hot bath! My feet don't ache anymore, my hair is VERY moisturised (thanks Lush) and I feel super relaxed (thanks again Lush!)

Still to do before bed tonight, paint my finger and toe nails, dry my hair, wrap Dad's presents, write his card, and download some new music for my ipod!!  Having been up since 5am, I'm hoping to get this all done ASAP!

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