Saturday, 1 May 2010

April Favourites

Doing monthly favourites is a bit of a tough one for me, mainly because I have found my favourite products for most things, e.g Foundation/Mascara etc, so they don't change month to month, and also writing that they are my favourite every thirty days would get very dull, very quickly! As a result I have a few items, some beauty related and some random ones...

First up is my new Barry M nail paint in Berry (no. 308), I did a blog post earlier this week when I got it, and it was very much a first reaction type thing, I have been wearing it for 3 days now, and (touch wood) it hasn't chipped yet (BIG thumbs up from me for that!) I do top coat with China Glaze's No Chip top coat, but it can still go!

My next favourite is Lemony Flutter from Lush, I'm trying to get into the habit of moisturising my hands more often, and this is perfect, I only picked up a sample, and I have used it about 10 times and I haven't even made a dent in it! The sample alone with last me a long while! It also smells AMAZING! Very lemony (duh!)

This next favourite has been a bit of a life saver over the past week or so, with all the hot weather we have been having (ahh love it!) my feet have decided to develop heat rash (joy!) once it became obvious that the hot weather was here to stay (even though its raining now!) and that my feet were not happy, I bought a tube of E45 itch relief cream, this stuff has worked wonders! Whats now left of the heat rash is not itchy and when it is, i just slap on a bit more cream!

I'm not sure I can class the weather of the past week a favourite, but I'm going to put it out there and state that I LOVE THE HOT WEATHER!!! Phew, feels better to get that out in the open!!!!

Another thing I'm loving is listening to old songs on my itunes, alot of the time i will skip older songs, as i would much rather listen to newer stuff, but just recently, i have been listening to songs that were out between 2003 and 2005, I'm not deliberately seeking out these years, but they mean alot to me, and each song seems to have a brilliant story attached with lots of happy memories!!!

My final favourite is driving! I'm currently learning to drive (in London, I must be mad!) but I'm absolutely loving it! I get on brilliantly with my driving instructor, and crazy London mini cab drivers aside, i really look forward to each lesson! I now just cannot wait to get my own car...oh and my licence!

Hope everyone enjoys this bank holiday weekend!! xx

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