Friday, 31 May 2013

Mini Superdrug haul.

Today I popped into my local Superdrug in the hopes of finding the new MUA Blushes. Normally it takes a while for new products to hit our tiny town, it's a little behind the times to say the least! Nevertheless, they actually had them in stock, score!

Due to the fact the 3 for 2 deal is still on for all make-up, I decided to pick up the 3 blushes which will most suit my pale skin. I ended up getting Cupcake, Lolly and Candyfloss. Most of the blushes are matte, which is perfect as if I'm going for the shimmery look, I'd rather add it myself.

Cupcake is described as good for pale skin (ideal for me) and is a dusty muted natural pink.

Lolly is a light coral orange/peach colour and suits more sun kissed skin tones (lets hope the sun makes an appearance!)

Finally Candyfloss, this is the most vibrant one I bought, it's a light pink rose colour, has a very fine shimmer layer and is designed for pale/medium skin.

Now for the best part, the pictures!

From L-R Cupcake, Lolly and Candyfloss

From Top - Bottom Cupcake, Lolly and Candyfloss

From L-R Cupcake, Lolly and Candyfloss
 As I've yet to wear these, there's no point in fully reviewing them, but from having swatched them, I can already tell they're very soft and easy to blend, they feel nice, and the colour translates beautifully from palette to skin.

I also bought myself a new pair of eyelash curlers, I thought these ones from Revlon, albeit tacky, were also so cute (I love purple!).  As I already have a pair of Revlon lash curlers, I know these are trust worthy and work well from my lashes. I think I'm going to deep clean my other pair and put them in my professional kit!

Have a great weekend!

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